The Magic Flute for PreK? Yes!
How can we expect to develop a young person's aesthetic if we don't expose them to the best in the arts right away?
For many years I looked forward to sharing scenes from Mozart's Die Zauberflöte with my youngest students.
Four and five year olds have no problem with the dragon scene that opens the opera. They have no problem with hearing arias in German. They thrive on the storyline. The forest scene with the animals is especially interesting. As is the ballon scene. And the Magic Bells scene. Etc., etc., etc.
My process was to compare different videos we had. The Metropolitan Opera has a nice opening. As does Bergman's film.
Here are some of the reasons to explore this great work with very young children:
- It's Mozart
- It has sublime melodies
- Interesting characters and funny scenes
- It's an orchestral work that isn't The Nutcracker
- You learn to get over the term "Opera"
- It's not Disney, or dumbed down Hollywood
- You learn that operas can be performed by different groups, unlike a movie
Remember- give them the best.