
Showing posts from 2015

The Dancing Flowers

Nice Work If You Can Get It

New Christmas Songs

Flying Pumpkins

Pay Attention

Eat Your Bugs

In My Haunted House

Baby Zombie

Have fun in the classroom with this new songbook!

A new book to help everyone learn how to read music. And it's FREE!

"Mrs. McGillicuddy"- a new song!

Beat Trix Publishing

It was 1956...

The Tale of the Wolf

How to read music - Tim Hansen - YouTube. Very cool, a good one for keeping around for repeat watching. (: (via | Pinterest

Wake Up The Library

Robots From Deep Space

What's the Brain Got to Do With It? - StumbleUpon

Klondike Fever

A Whole Week of Rain

March Madness

New Orleans

Dance Party America

La Folia

How to Make Spring Happen

Peter and the Wolf

The Silent Cheer

You say either...


Ashes to Ashes

The List

An app and a site

Reimagining hit songs with PS22

Smart board, really?

South American Escapade

A Book Recommendation

The Magic Flute for PreK? Yes!

A new song from the PreK

It's Snowing Outside

Dramatic Collaborations

But she sings at home all the time!

Opera. In First grade. Really?

Gilbert & Sullivan for Fourth Graders

The president interrupted our show

My first Spring concert

Why bother with recorder lessons?


The Worst Thing You Could Do